For all emergencies, 24h/24:
From an EPFL landline: 115
From a personal mobile phone: 021 693 30 00
From the EPFL Campus app: SOS


At EPFL, our specialists provide everyday advice, care, support, training and other services focusing on health and prevention. Our occupational health and nursing staff are here to protect the health and safety of community members, while our counselors are on-hand to support students of all levels. We have also set up a Mental Health & Well-Being task force.

Health on the EPFL campus

Occupational health

The occupational health team, comprising hygienists and occupational doctors, as well as medical assistants, is specialized in interactions between a person and his or her working environment. Its goal is to promote and protect the health and well-being of all the people working at EPFL.

Consultations with nurses

The nursing team performs a clinical assessment (request, symptoms, history, physical examination) and offers you appropriate care, which can include referral to an external health professional (if possible, make an appointment).

Health prevention

The DSE has implemented several health measures (blood donations, health bus and flu vaccination) in collaboration with external bodies in order to promote health on the EPFL campus.

Mental Health and Well-Being

EPFL is committed to making the mental health of its community a strategic priority. We also offer resources, classes and practical sessions to help everyone – staff, students and researchers alike – take care of their mental health and well-being.